Hot Summer Pet Tips
Hot and humid summer days have arrived and, like us,
our four-legged friends love to be in the great outdoors to experience fresh
air and a little adventure! However the heat mixed with humidity is a serious
health risks for our pets - to help guarantee their overall wellbeing consider
these simple tips.
To prevent dehydration: Have plenty of water available!
To prevent overheating:
Travel - It's best to avoid traveling with your pet(s) during summer. Leaving a pet alone in the car can be fatal, even with open windows and for a short amount of time. Heat inside a car can reach dangerously high temperatures in a few mintues.
Play safe, leave your pet at home during vacations or when running errands. Let our dedicated team of sitters and dog walkers provide care and companionship to your beloved family members in the comfort of YOUR HOME!
If your pet shows any signs of being overheated, dehydrated, sun burnt, or you suspect chemical exposure, your pet may need immediate medical treatment. Call your Veterinarian immediately!
For more information please visit us online at
To prevent dehydration: Have plenty of water available!
To prevent overheating:
· If your pet has a thick coat of hair keep
the fur thinner and shorter. However don’t cut the fur too short to allow the
exposed skin to sunburn!
· Give your pet plenty of shaded places
to cool down (especially during walks) or outdoor shelter (many shelters come
in various sizes and budget).
· Use a “cool” bed (a waterbed filled
with cool water) or “cool” jacket (a specialized jacket soaked in cool water).
To prevent sunburns:
- For sensitive paw pads (especially those of puppies) keep off of hot asphalt.
- Apply a pet safe SPF cream to any visible skin; e.g. nose or short haired ears and/or body.
If something unfortunate happens to your pet, having the tools necessary
to assist you is crucial. Luckily if you’re not yet equipped, we can help! Our pet First Aid Kit is perfect for pet parents. It includes over 63
Veterinarian-recommended items stored in a convenient canvas case and
it's specifically designed for animal care.
Pesticides, Insecticides, and Pool Chemicals:
· Keep pets away from lawns that have
been treated with harmful chemicals and from pool areas.
· When planning your garden, aim for dog
and cat-safe, non-toxic plants.
· Keep pesticides, insecticides and
pool chemicals secure from pets.
· Read chemical labels to determine how
long they last and if they are harmful to pets (many last days and most are
Travel - It's best to avoid traveling with your pet(s) during summer. Leaving a pet alone in the car can be fatal, even with open windows and for a short amount of time. Heat inside a car can reach dangerously high temperatures in a few mintues.
Play safe, leave your pet at home during vacations or when running errands. Let our dedicated team of sitters and dog walkers provide care and companionship to your beloved family members in the comfort of YOUR HOME!
If your pet shows any signs of being overheated, dehydrated, sun burnt, or you suspect chemical exposure, your pet may need immediate medical treatment. Call your Veterinarian immediately!
For more information please visit us online at
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